Many thanks to all those who stayed after the shoot to help clear away. It made a huge difference and we got cleared away in record time. Your assistance is always appreciated even though it might not have been said at the time.
Thank you as well to everyone who helped set up.
Our apologies for the lateness in issuing the Christmas shoot handicap prizes. I hope all those who attended Sunday’s shoot have received their prize. If not, please mention it when you pay at the next shoot.
Over the past few months, we have been experiencing a few battery failures. It was discovered that not all the batteries were being charged due to loose connections. This has now been rectified with thanks to JD. We have also purchased 6 new heavy-duty batteries suitable for the traps. This now gives us a few spares should the need ever arise. We have also experienced some controllers failing. These have been replaced with new ones.
One of our members asked why the membership fees had increased, and whether it should have been voted on and approved by the membership.
The membership fees have always been matched to cover the costs of insurance and land rent. I am sure everyone has experienced the increase in insurance over the past couple of years and we also expect an increase in land rent as we have not seen a rise in the past 5 years. Regarding membership voting, this only applies to the election of the committee. The committee you elected meet up and makes all decisions regarding the running of the club. Club matters are discussed and voted upon during these meetings and throughout the year. Only items that get the majority vote are passed for action. The committee will always welcome any observations, ideas and constructive criticism. Your comments on how your committee can improve the club are appreciated as always and we are always looking for more committee members.
Shooting now starts at 10.00 am. There will be an exception at the next shoot due to holding the AGM before starting.
Member fees for rejoining or wishing to join were due at the end of March. There will be a grace period until the end of April. Thank you to all who have rejoined.
We hope to see you at the next shoot.