Clocks & Time Change

You may have noted the change in start time for the upcoming shoots when you booked in.

Starting times have been put back to 10.30 to allow more time in daylight hours to set-up the shoot.

Recently, setting up the shoot is taking longer due to the lack of volunteers. We manage to keep costs and resulting shoot fees low because we are a non-profit club that can only exist by members volunteering to lend a hand. Your club has a small committee that organises and completes all the background tasks that most of you are unaware of. With the exception of a couple of regular non-committee members, most of you turn up, enjoy the shoot and leave. We all have busy lives but we do need your help in setting up.

We are not asking you to arrive exceptionally early, and it is no longer necessary to pull out traps or to carry boxes of clays and batteries to each stand, Neither do we ask you to haul the gun racks and cages to each stand – we’ve got that covered. So what can you do?

The last and easiest task is all we are asking you to help with, and it will only take a little effort and just a few minutes – you can even do it in pairs so you can carry on talking to your friends. When you arrive at the shoot at your normal time (we are not asking you to come earlier), and before you have a cup of tea, coffee or bacon roll, take a walk down the field, and if you see a trap that is not full of clays, load it up. All the traps are unarmed and safe until they have been loaded. Please do not turn them on. Loading a trap takes less than 5 minutes. Your help will make a difference, if we have enough volunteers to do at least 1 trap each, it is likely your assistance may not be required, and we are only asking you to do at least 1 trap.

Our thanks in anticipation of your assistance.

In Memoriam – Tim McDermott

It is sad to inform you that Tim has passed away. Despite his declining health, Tim put on a brave face, wore a big smile, and always had a kind word for others. He said it was not about the scores but the enjoyment of shooting in the company of his good friends – which is so true for many of us. We are grateful he spent some of his time with us on the weekends.

Our deepest sympathy and sincerest condolences go to his family and closest friends.

How lucky we were to have a friend that makes saying goodbye so hard.

2nd July – 100 Bird Charity Shoot

Last year we raised £600 for Cancer Research UK

This year, the 100 bird Charity shoot is open to members and guests for a flat fee of £25 per person. We will also waive the booking fee to encourage as many people as possible. The committee will choose the charity for this year but we welcome any suggestions you may have.

The layout will be designed by Derek Street & Mark Walker. If possible, please attend early to help with the setting up. Your assistance is always appreciated.

There is a prize for the High Gun on the day which will be based on the handicap system. Eligible members only.

Ensure you get booked in

Due to the growing popularity seen at succesive shoots, we have had to limit the number of available places (including guests), to 70 shooters maximum.

To secure your place, please use the website. All those booking via the website will be given priority. If you leave it until the day of the shoot, you may be turned away if we have reached the maximum number of 70 shooters.

Although we try to group people in their preferred squads, this might not always be possible when we reach near-maximum attendance. Please keep to the group you have been allocated. Let us know in the comments section of the booking form if you prefer to shoot with another member(s) of the club.

Sunday 9th April Shoot

Due to the number of trap failures and that some trap positions were altered during the shoot, the handicap system and subsequently prizes for the class winners were cancelled. This will be re-scheduled for later in the year.

Steve Workman

We are sad to share the news that Steve Workman has passed away. Steve had been battling with poor health for a while but all those who knew him will remember his great sense of humour and support for his fellow shooter. He was a great asset to the club during his years with us and I know his close friend, brother-in-law and shooting partner Derek Street will miss him greatly, as will Wendy, Steve’s sister.

Our heartfelt sympathy and sincerest condolences go to Wendy, Derek, and the rest of his family at his sad time.  

Sunday 26th February 2013

You may have already heard that Simon Sherrington recently suffered a heart attack while at work. He is on the mend. and I know we all wish him well and hope he gets time to relax and rest. Although knowing Simon, this will be a very short break before he has his head under a car bonnet again. Take it easy Simon.

Membership renewal is upon us. Wendy is sending out the renewal forms for those who did not collect them at the shoot. We would appreciate your prompt response and payment. If you are uncomfortable providing any personal details we will understand. Rest assured your information is not shared with anyone outside the club and the previous year’s records are deleted each year under GDPR guidelines. We still need your signed form returned to us to confirm you agree to abide by the Constitution, Club Rules & Safety Regulations of the club – until we receive it, you are not a member. The deadline is the end of March – 1 month. There will be a grace period for those that like to leave it until the last minute (like their tax return) but please note, (just like HMRC) if the form is not returned and payment is made by the time of the AGM, you will be paying guest fees.

My apologies for the delay in starting the shoot this Sunday. Alas, the stars were not aligned, and Jupiter was in the shadow of Uranus. Seriously though, there were a couple of hiccups during the set-up which caused the delay. Some might say it was down to the lack of volunteers but I can assure you it was not. The more volunteers we have, the better the chance we have to start on time and your help is always appreciated.

Thank you to everyone that helped in the set-up and the breakdown this weekend. Your efforts are always welcomed. Special thanks go to Abi and Wendy, both of whom are more organised and more punctual than me. You consistently deliver, and it is appreciated more than you know. Thank you, ladies.

Thursday 26th January 2023

We regretfully advise that Simon Sherrington has resigned from his position as Chairman on the committee. Simon is still a member and will attend to shoot when he becomes available. We would like to thank Simon for all his hard work for the club.

Carl Mills will act as interim Club Secretary until the new committee is elected at the AGM in March 2023.