Sunday 26th February 2013
You may have already heard that Simon Sherrington recently suffered a heart while at work. He is on the mend. and I know we all wish him well and hope he gets time to relax and rest. Although knowing Simon, this will be a very short break before he has his head under a car bonnet again. Take it easy Simon.
Membership renewal is upon us. Wendy is sending out the renewal forms for those who did not collect them at the shoot. We would appreciate your prompt response and payment. If you are uncomfortable providing any personal details we will understand. Rest assured your information is not shared with anyone outside the club and the previous year’s records are deleted each year under GDPR guidelines. We still need your signed form returned to us to confirm you agree to abide by the Constitution, Club Rules & Safety Regulations of the club – until we receive it, you are not a member. The deadline is the end of March – 1 month. There will be a grace period for those that like to leave it until the last minute (like their tax return) but please note, (just like HMRC) if the form is not returned and payment is made by the time of the AGM, you will be paying guest fees.
My apologies for the delay in starting the shoot this Sunday. Alas, the stars were not aligned, and Jupiter was in the shadow of Uranus. Seriously though, there were a couple of hiccups during the set-up which caused the delay. Some might say it was down to the lack of volunteers but I can assure you it was not. The more volunteers we have, the better the chance we have to start on time and your help is always appreciated.
Thank you to everyone that helped in the set-up and the breakdown this weekend. Your efforts are always welcomed. Special thanks go to Abi and Wendy, both of whom are more organised and more punctual than me. You consistently deliver, and it is appreciated more than you know. Thank you, ladies.